Mrs. Rosenshine is 64 years old living independently in the condo and was diagnosed with diabetes twenty years ago: Teaching Plan Assignment, NC, Canada

University NorQuest College (NC)
Subject Teaching Plan


Mrs. Rosenshine is 64 years old living independently in the condo and was diagnosed with diabetes twenty years ago. Her diabetes has been managed with Metformin 500 mg BID and diet up until a recent HgbA1C result of 10 last week and therefore has just been prescribed a long-acting basal insulin pen. She is a 3 cigarette a day smoker and has had Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for the last 10 years, is on oxygen, and uses a Ventolin Inhaler PRN. Mrs. Rosenshine requires glasses to read however due to her financial situation has not been able to afford her new prescription for the last 2 years. She lives with her best friend, her little dog who often barks a lot.


You are caring for Robin, a 73-year-old recently admitted to continuing care after having several falls at home. It was determined that Robin recently had a hearing test done and requires a hearing aid. Robin has a history of eczema and currently


Mr. Goldblum is 72 years old and lives in a continuing care facility. He has had a recent ischemic stroke and has right-sided weakness. He was also diagnosed with difficulty swallowing. He has a history of hypertension, treated with Ramipril 10 mg daily. He has recently been started on Coumadin due to the stroke and has an INR performed weekly. He is on Level 3 thickened fluids. He does not like the thickened fluids and has been asking for regular fluids. His speech was affected by the stroke and at times he is difficult to understand.

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